Diaman devlog 2: Now we're getting somewhere!

Hello everyone! Bryce here again. Well, actually this may be your first time seeing me. And if so, then THANK YOU for coming! Now, my first devlog post was on Manakeep, but I didn't want to pay for the full version after my free trail so I moved over to here! So I'll just quickly sum up the first log reallllllllllllllly quick.

I started work on the game, I lost all my progress twice due to unity updates. After a few months I had a test scene with player movement, a tracking camera, an enemy, and a weapon!

So! ... It's been a while, I know. But I have a good reason! ... School. That and being lazy. I've had short bursts of creativity that allowed me to get a lot done, and now that I have a week off thanks to thanksgiving, things should go much faster! But again, I apologize for my absence. So, why don't I start talking about what I have done in these past couple of weeks?

For one, I added animations! It was HELL at first, super cluttered... so many files. I was using pixelart.com to make my animations, but once I found a better pixel art website (piskel.com, you can export things as sprite sheets), things became... slightly less hellish. In the end, I got a running and shooting animation. I didn't need too much else for the player. Next, I added HP! As you might of noticed in the screenshot on the front page, there are 3 little diamonds at the top of the screen. These are your hit points! When you get hit, you lose one. Four hits and you're out!

Speaking of, I also made game over and main menu screens, each with their own little animations to boot, and also I created an animated logo for my studio. If you couldn't tell, I've been doing a lot of pixel art. It's fun! Your hand doesn't hurt as much... it's kinda relaxing ... and it looks nice! Well, nicer then my hand drawn art anyway (not like that's hard to beat!)

As of today, I have more or less finished the setup phase! I can now transition scenes in unity, which lets you start the game and takes you to the game over screen when you fail! ... So, what about music? If you look at my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXQUkVcR5K_tQ6cncU59iZA?view_as=subscriber haha shameless plug), you can see I mostly make songs. Well...

I finally learned music theory!

Thanks to this great video by Andrew Huang, I learned the basics of music! Before I kinda just... put stuff together until it sounded nice, but now I can put stuff together in style! And isn't that what music is really about?

Now, what's next? All I need to do before making levels is to add music and sound effects. I have a few songs (ie 2) recorded for the game that you can check out on my YT, and I tried to make a boss theme a while back that... didn't go so well. But after that, unless there's something else I'm missing, I'll get started on levels! We're doing it now baby!

Welp, that's gonna wrap up this devlog. Thanks for reading until the end, I hope it wasn't too boring. Feel free to send any questions about the game my way, if I get enough I may do a QnA! And if you want more of my content, I've started to stream on twitch! BLStudios is my channel name, and we do Kahoots every friday! Very... unfunny... kahoots... made my yours truly! So check that out if it interests you, and until next time!

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